There are many causes of tremor, a rhythmic shaking in parts of the body, or other abnormal movements that require thorough assessment. For some this may be a sign of incoordination. For others the tremor may be at rest with signs of stiffness and slowness and we consider the possibility of Parkinson’s disease.
An examination by an experienced neurologist can often pick up subtle signs that may raise concerns. I am able to arrange investigations including a DAT scan that measures the function of dopamine transporters, the chemical deficient in Parkinson’s patients, in the brain. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment can improve quality of life and the long-term disease course significantly.
It is reassuring that the majority of patients with tremor have a simple action tremor. This can be disabling at times but is often benign and responds well to medication.
Other patients consult me because of incoordination or conditions causing excessive movements that require investigation. In some these excessive movements may be due to a simple tic that if troublesome responds to some medications but is often best treated by referral for Botulinum injections.